Environmental Law News and Insights

Broken Record Department; EPA Loses Another Delay Case

Published: Jun 03, 2019
On Monday, District Judge Haywood Gilliam imposed a schedule on EPA for review of state plans under EPA's 2016 rule for emissions from municipal solid waste landfills. The ruling is notable for two reasons. Because EPA did not dispute that it had missed certain deadlines, its first line of defense wasn't that...

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Louisiana Takes Adaptation Seriously — Evidence Of A Tipping Point In Belief In Climate Change?

Published: May 31, 2019
The public-private partnership Louisiana Strategies for Future Environments just released a report so stark in its conclusions that, were it not for all of the maps and figures its contains, one would have assumed that it had to be written in a blue state such as Massachusetts or California, rather than deep...

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President Trump Signs Drought Contingency Plan For Colorado River

Published: May 28, 2019
Months ago, in the face of "unacceptably high" risk to the Colorado River's complex system of reservoirs, US Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner, Brenda Burman, indicated that if the seven Colorado River Basin States could not agree to a drought contingency plan (DCP), then the federal government would post a notice...

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