Environmental Law News and Insights

The Nickel Report: Environmental Enforcement: Are There Any Trends?

Published: Dec 20, 2018
Nearly two years into the current administration, many questions remain regarding the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and US Department of Justice's (DOJ) approach to environmental enforcement. EPA and DOJ have both issued various policies that we have covered in past blog posts that provide some level of insight on priorities and...

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Clean Air Act Practitioners Debate Brett Kavanaugh’s Judicial Record

Published: Dec 10, 2018
"I have upheld agencies in dozens and dozens of cases," insisted now-Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, parrying questions from Democratic senators accusing him of leading an effort to "rein in" executive agencies. Meanwhile, environmental commentators offered dueling versions of his record. The Heritage Foundation, for example, touted examples of environmental victories...

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Flurry Of EPA Action Continues As TSCA Deadlines Approach

Published: Nov 29, 2018
Facing stiff deadlines imposed by the 2016 amendments to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), EPA has exhibited unusual discipline in implementing the statute's many new requirements. One of the most recent actions of note was the imposition of a suite of new user fees that will provide funding to...

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