Environmental Law News and Insights

U.S. Uranium Mining Restrictions And Potential Changes

Published: Nov 06, 2019
The U.S. is the world's largest uranium consumer, using 25% of the global supply of uranium. Despite large domestic uranium resources, over 90% of the U.S. uranium supply is imported from foreign countries including Canada, Australia, Kazakhstan and Russia. Background During the Cold War, for strategic purposes, the U.S. government...

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Repeal Of Obama-Era Clean Water Rules Sparks Litigation

Published: Nov 05, 2019
As expected, the Trump administration's appeal of the Obama Clean Water Rule, which took effect on October 22, has already sparked a number of legal challenges. The bulk of the anticipated litigation is expected to come from environmental groups and democrat led states accusing the Environmental Protection Agency and the...

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Gov. Newsom Signs Three California Private Postsecondary Education Bills

Published: Nov 05, 2019
On October 4, Governor Gavin Newsom approved all three private higher education bills that had previously passed through the California legislative process. As we detailed in our most recent post on this topic, out of an original package of seven, three private higher education bills made it through the California legislative process...

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