Environmental Law News and Insights

Navigating FTC Guidance And Green Marketing Litigation

Published: Oct 28, 2019
Retailers and manufacturers have increasingly been advertising products with descriptors such as "eco-friendly," "green," "organic," and "sustainable." Predictably, plaintiffs and government enforcers have targeted businesses for "greenwashing"— a term coined to describe the act of exaggerating a company's or product's environmental benefits. While the Federal Trade Commission first issued guidance...

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The Other Shoe Drops On Upwind Ozone States

Published: Oct 11, 2019
On Tuesday, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals vacated EPA's "Close-Out Rule," which basically concluded that upwind states contributing to exceedances of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone in downwind states did not have to undertake any additional actions to reduce their contribution to downwind state ozone concentrations. The...

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Climate Change’s Secret Other Side: There Is Money To Be Made

Published: Oct 01, 2019
Greta Thunberg’s sail across the Atlantic to attend the UN’s Climate Action Summit was an exhilarating event not just for climate change activists but for the investment community as well. She is a fresh reminder that the world is changing and that we need to bring climate considerations into all...

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